By installing the Sirona XG-3D Cone Beam Dental Imaging System at Hopkins Dental, we can now provide extremely precise, quick, comfortable, and effective imaging to ensure the most accurate diagnosis possible.
Cone Beam technology provides 3D data for: Implant dentistry and treatment planning, Endodontic diagnosis, pain diagnosis, periodontal disease diagnosis and many more areas of specialty care.
An OPG otherwise known as an orthopantomogram is a 2D panoramic x-ray of the upper and lower jaw. The system also allows us to take a CBCT also known as a cone-beam computed tomography, is a 3D image of the upper and lower jaw. Having access to this technology on site is optimal as we are able diagnose and treat conditions in a timely fashion. These images give a broad overview of jaws, teeth, and surrounding joints.
As dental technology develops, we have gained higher tech units that reduce appointment time and capture precise images. This includes the iTero intraoral scanner.
iTero is a digital 3D intraoral scanner that produces quick precise images whilst enhancing patient experience and elevating clinical precision.